About Us

The Discovery Middle School Drama Department seeks to provide all students with a highly varied education in Theatre and Performance Arts. Through six different courses and a robust drama club, we serve more than five hundred students a year in our program, with even more given the opportunity to watch live theatre thanks to in-school and evening performances and collaboration with other classes. We put on two full-length shows a year, up to four one-acts, several improv shows, and even a few showcases of student-written works in themed cabaret nights hosted for the community.

All this is to say that we work hard to make sure than any student interested in Theatre -- whether they are taking a class or not, whether they love acting or working backstage or just watching plays, whether they are in our gen-ed student body or in our Exceptional Learners program -- gets the chance to learn about and participate in Theatre. We now even attend the state festival with the Alabama Conference of Theatre where students can compete and attend workshops in their chosen disciplines.

Our motto, "Take a Bow, Come Up Taller" references the ability of Theatre, and all performing arts, to inspire confidence and joy in all children.

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