About MIsery Loves Comedy

A night of one-acts from Spotlight's Stars of Tomorrow!

The Very Unmerry Adventures of Robin Hood by Patrick Greene and Jason Pizzarello - Sherwood Forest is in danger of being destroyed and it's up to Robin and his band of dimwitted Merry Men to save the day. When the Sheriff challenges them to a contest to determine the forest's rightful owner, their skills are put to the test. Unfortunately, archery is only the first round. Robin and his men will also have to win a talent show and a beauty pageant. Will this be the end of Sherwood? Most likely...

Breaking Badly by Jonathan Rand and The 9 Worst Breakups of All Time by Ian McWethy - You think YOUR breakup was bad? Tour some of the worst breakups of all time, from the back room in a law office, to the Civil War, to one of the most dangerous locations in America - a Denny's. A comedy that proves that no matter how hard someone has stomped on your heart, it could always be worse.​

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