About Ordinary Days

Written in the Fall of 2006 and premiering a year later at the New York Theatre Barn; Ordinary Days is a wonderful story intertwined with memorable music. This musical tells the story of four young New Yorkers navigating their lives in a stressful and often chaotic reality. Like many others, our protagonists struggle to appreciate the simple things in an unpredictable environment. We at SkyCraft hope audience members can relate to the characters of Deb, Warren, Jason, and Claire as they battle adversity with humor, humanity, and vibrant song. Whether its finding meaning in the sea of faces that is this planet, or finding a spot for your partner's shoes as they move in; there's something for everyone in this story.  


SkyCraft Theatre Works

We are a professional theatre company located at St. Paul's United Methodist Church in the heart of Rochester, MI. SkyCraft was founded in the Summer of 2021 by Associate Director of Music, Sam Wright. As a church, we have always cultivated the arts. We have hosted various artists and musicians from all over the globe. Theatre has been in our sights for quite some time. After a long season of anticipation; we decided it was time to venture into the theatrical realm. SkyCraft was created with the intent of continuing our shared goals at St. Paul's.

  1. To provide new adventures for our church family
  2. To be a gateway to the community 

Join us now as we celebrate life, music, and community. On with the show!