About Night I died at the Palace Theatre

The Palace Theatre actors are just getting ready to rehearse the final scene for their latest production, "I Ain't Got No Body," when they run into a snag. The director who wrote the play is found dead onstage. Lois is shocked into an allergy attack! Ava faints! Luther orders a pizza! There's a lot of disbelief among the troupe until it becomes quite evident that Daphne Ellen has, indeed, shuffled off this mortal coil. Not only that, she owed several of the actors a lot of money. "I know you can't take it with you," Gordon moans, "but apparently you can take somebody else's!" And then Frances dies! Only she doesn't really die. And then the pizza kid shows up. Only he really isn't the pizza kid. The one thing they all are sure of is their director is dead … or is she? Timothy accuses Gordon! Glenda accuses Dana! Luther can't figure out where his pizza is. And baby-faced detective Jenny Todd has to put together all the clues. Maybe, thinks Jenny, there are clues in the play they are producing. After all, Daphne wrote it. Was she trying to leave a hint? Or was she murdered for what was in that missing final scene? Clues intermingle with unveiled threats as cast member turns against cast member. Who heard Daphne's final words? Who kept threatening her for all to hear? And just when is Luther going to get his pizza anyway?

Cordova High School

Cordova High is proud to be presenting theatre in a year where the Arts have all but been silenced. In the Fall CHS Drama attempted to produce the  radio show. It's A Wonderful Life, filmed on zoom and uploaded to YouTube. A year ago I'm not sure I even knew those words. This production is our very first attempt at Live Streaming! Just like the students, I am learning every day.

After a 20 year absence, CHS brought Drama back with the planning of the new PAC and in Spring of 2016 performed its first full length production, Midsummer Jersey. Several plays and musicals later and CHS is an award winning high school theatre Program.