The Voice of the Prairie Cast

Frankie  (Carissa Clark)
The blind girl whose adventures with the young Davy catalyst the story of love, loss and adventure
Davey Quin (JP Pantoja)
The young orphaned story teller who meets up with Frankie and takes off in the midwest
Leon Schwab (Samuel Kiesling)
The wheeler dealer agent whose stressful life involves trying to sell the idea of listening to the radio to the rural midwest.
David Quin (Brandon Pantoja)
The adult version of his younger self Davey. David inadvertantly becomes the Voice of the Prairie as he tells stories about Frankie and his adventures.
Frances  (Ella Anderson)
A school teacher with a past
Poppy, James, Jailer (Joshua Curry)
Davey Quin's storyteller grandfather, Frances' boyfriend, the Jailer in Kansas City.
Ensemble, Watermelon Man, Newspaper vendor, boy et al (Riley Friend)
Playing a host of characters that support and tell the story.
Susie and Ensemble (Allyson Strathers)
An avid fan of David Quinn's with a lot of ideas about his future.
Ensemble, Inquiring Mother, child et al (Camryn Edge)
Camryn weaves through the show with a variety of characters that help tell the story.
Ensemble, gossips (Brianna Bloomdahl)
Brianna, brings energy, heart and a variety of support characters to bring color to the story.