About The Lion King Jr.
Lion King Jr. Celebrates the Circle of Life in this timeless story of courage, friendship, and destiny. A Musical Theatre Summer Camp showcase
Arts Enter Cape Charles, Inc.
Arts Enter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with over two decades of service to the Cape Charles and lower Northampton County community on the beautiful Eastern Shore of Virginia. Our mission is to provide fine and performing arts education and programming to our community.
Arts Enter began as a dream, when Clelia Sheppard and a small group of art enthusiasts formed the non-profit. Under the direction of London-born actress and playwright, Sheila Mullin Cardano, Arts Enters' theatre season flourished with memorable productions such as Magia and Piece of Eden. The Historic Palace Theatre, located in the heart of our coastal, victorian railroad town and in a state of disrepair, was purchased by the non-profit in 1998 and the arduous task of restoration began. The Stage Door Gallery opened in 2007, the only art gallery in Cape Charles at the time. In 2016, the space was converted to Lemon Tree Gallery and Studio and continues to showcase local, national and international art.
With an ever-expanding classroom, Arts Enter partnered with local public schools thanks to the 21st Century and No Child Left Behind grants; later programs developed at the Cape Charles Christian School. Local students came by the busloads for private, day-time performances as much anticipated field trips, nurturing new artists and art appreciators.
A pivotal moment in Arts Enter history was the prestigious Our Town grant awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts, from which emerged the Harbor for the Arts Festival and Experimental Film Virginia. Arts Enter works closely with Experimental Film Virginia.