Active Fundraisers

We're currently raising money! Visit the fundraising pages below to learn more.

Spectrum 2024 Fundraiser

Support KDT's Kinetics Youth Ensemble's Spring production of Spectrum 2024! If you are able, please consider donating to KYE's production. Putting together a dance concert is costly. Costumes, a higher capacity theater and technology like projections & lighting will add so much to our production. We can't do it alone! KDT strives to bring accessible dance classes and performance to the community. Your support impacts the KYE and KDT as a whole. We hope that this platform can provide transparency regarding KYE and KDT programming costs. We do our best to work with our resources with the support of hardworking faculty and generous volunteers, but each year it is important to refresh and add to our current inventory to compliment our growing community. Thank you for considering making a donation to this production. -Alex J. Krebs, Associate Artistic Director of Kinetics Dance Theatre

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