New Hampshire’s premier theatre organization built on “New,” “Challenging,” and “Growth.”

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We're currently raising money! Visit the fundraising pages below to learn more.

Program Ad Sales - William Shakespeare's Long Lost First Play (abridged)

Help us continue to produce our brand of theatre! Producing high quality theatre is a daunting task with many expenses, such as rights for shows, set pieces, lighting and sound equipment, venue rentals, and advertising. Cue Zero does everything in its power to keep the production values high, costs low, and is always looking for ways to innovate all aspects of production, while also integrating ourselves into the community. Cue Zero cannot survive on ticket sales alone. The ad you purchase will run in our next main stage production's playbill. You will also be listed on our website for all visitors to see. All ad artwork and shout-outs are due no later than June 20th - send to [email protected].

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Arts Academy of New Hampshire